What is in a parcel number? That question is something we don't hear to often yet the tax parcel ID is an integral part of owning a piece of real estate and here is brief overview with two graphics.
Sometimes parcel numbers, also known as tax ID numbers, can seem like a random stream of numbers. This couldn't be further from the truth. The parcel number is used by the Snohomish County assessors office to keep track of land for tax purposes.
They actually contain a lot of information about how to locate the subject property with a Section Township and Rang; or, a lot and block inside of plat or subdivision. Find the below breakdown of what's in a parcel number.
Platted Tax ID Number
The Platted Tax ID Number contains Major Number / Plat Number, BLock, Lot, and Additional Segregation.
Un-PLatted Tax ID Number
The Un-Platted Tax ID Number contains Township, Range, Section, Quarter Section Designation, "Arb" Arbitrary Designation / Acreage, and Additional Segregation.